Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dieting Update....

I'm going on three weeks with Weight Watchers and have lost 10.1 pounds.  I have to say, it was an adjustment at first.  I think I went through pretzel withdrawals.  Especially, my Snyder Jalapeno Pretzels---they are so good.  I thought the wine would be just as hard, but I really haven't missed it as much.  I did buy a celebratory bottle yesterday and also took Mac out for Mexican.   But I didn't do to horribly bad.  Plus, I ate very little throughout the day.  I figure we can do that for every ten pounds I lose... BUT, I was back on the treadmill this morning...

I was determined to get on board fully with the exercising.  I get up at 4:40am on the days I work and get on my treadmill for thirty minutes.  I've build up to running about ten of those minutes.  Then I do some weights and crunches.  I actually do better on the days I have to work than when I'm off.  Crazy, but I do...  I do think I need to start adding some different cardio into to my workout.  Changing up your routine helps keep your metabolism firing, plus I like variety..  I watched a Zumba informational this morning while I was on my treadmill.  I'm just not that "routine" coordinated though.  But we will see...  I have enough equipment that I should never get bored!!

So this is where we are at so far...  Forty more to go!!  New year, new me....


1 comment:

  1. I think the Zumba would put me right back into Physical therapy or where they may have to remove another piece of my backbone...I may have to just stay away from Zumba.
