Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fifty Shades-----by the Bedside.....

Just like all of our popular books like the Harry Potter series or Twilight series, they all spun "knock off's"...  The Fifty Shades series will be no different. In my normal cruise through Amazon the other day, I came across Fifty Shades of Pleasure: A Bedside Companion: Sex Secrets That Hurt So Good.  Now once again, it got four and half stars out of five..  So the Amazon public, for the most part, likes it...
I have "sampled" it on my iPad---but have yet to by it...  I've got to find the "companion" first.. LOL!!!

Normally, I would say, let me know how you like it or post a review if you read it before me...  I'm going to pass this time....  TMI.....

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